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Can’t say I feel good. Double vision and brain state is as bad as ever. We just wait for the results of the blood test tomorrow.

To add to our woes the generator shut down last night due to inadequate water flow, fortunately at the end of the charge. The impeller is due to be changed so that’s probably it. Will be focussing on that this morning and probably use Sam to help out.

It’s pissing down with rain outside right now but fortunately this job can be done in the shade of the bimini.

I go to sleep each evening with the hope that things will seem to be getting better the next morning. It doesn’t happen. Sooner or later we’re going to have to make some very difficult decisions.

Thanks for all the advice received, particularly about not worrying. In some ways I am not worried but I know it could get very challenging very soon. The mind has ways to avoid the stress and anxiety. Usually by finding ways to put off the difficult decisions. The family continue to be tremendously supportive and optimistic. I need this as I don’t really believe it myself at the moment.

1 comment to Waiting

  • Steve, take it one step at a time. Us humans always ‘leap’ to the worst case scenario. You won’t know anything until tomorrow so any decisions can wait until tomorrow. If you start planning alternatives now without full or even partial knowledge of the problem, you’ll likely lock yourself into an unnecessary or wrong course of action. Think of it like this, your generator shut down,that’s potentially worrying but most likely it’s the impeller as you said. You wouldn’t start stripping the genny down without checking the impeller first, and even if it was OK you’d try and think the problem through before stripping the damn thing into tiny pieces.
    No reply on hospitals in Brisbane yet, as soon as I hear anything you will.

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