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Monash Hospital

Steve was admitted into Monash Hospital through the Emergency department. He is now settled comfortably in the Neurology ward and under the care of an excellent team of neurologists. Over the past two days he has had many many blood tests, a lumbar puncture, another MRI and other investigative procedures. Physically he is in very good health. His general blood results have all come out fine. Kidney, liver, hormone levels etc. are all fine. The initial result of his spinal fluid was also good, just a higher count of proteins than normal which they expected. Now we wait for the specialist test results of blood and spinal fluid which will take another day or two. The MRI scans clearly shows many scattered small lesions throughout Steve brain. However the new scan also showed that the blood vessels looks fine which is good news indeed. I think the team may have eliminated a couple of serious causes they though it could be but are still very concerned about Steve’s worsening condition and what the exact cause could be. Tomorrow he is having a chest scan to see if they can see anything similar in that area. We have been asked more detailed question about the countries we have visited and the type of food we have consumed. So they are being very thorough and investigation many possibilities. I think we need House! No, the Neurology department at Monash has an great reputation and I have been very impressed by their care, efficiency and professionalism. I am pretty confident that they will get to the bottom of this and find the right treatment for Steve.
Thanks again to everyone for all your best wishes, thoughts and words of encouragement. Much appreciated.

8 comments to Monash Hospital

  • Erin

    Wow – fantastic treatment – fingers crossed that they come to a quick diagnosis so they can get any protocols put into place and start Steve on his road to recovery. Take care – we are all with you in spirit and only wish there was something we could do to help. Erin xx If you need to chat you know where we are!

  • John and Jose Reyden

    Thanks so much for keeping us all posted. We are thinking about you a lot. Happy to read that Steve is getting a thorough check up to all possible causes. I hope this gives you both a little “rest”, at least someone good and professional at this is taking charge. Glad to hear that a couple of serious causes have been ruled out. Again wishing you all the best. Take care xxx

  • Brian

    Helen, Greetings from Brian and JoDon (formerly El Regalo). Our thoughts and prayers are for you and Steve. Please pass on our best regards and good wishes towards a speedy and full recovery. Sounds like you’re in good hands at Monash Hospital.
    Brian and JoDon

  • Paul van Dinther

    Same as the other posters. And… Steve! On the up side. It sounds like there are also a whole lot of things good with your health. Kinda nice to know. Hang in there mate.

  • Lew Randal

    I can’t imagine Steve in a hospital bed. Hey, he belongs on a boat.
    The good thing he is in a great place and all the appropriate tests are being done
    Take care
    Our thoughts are with you

  • Erin

    Hi Guys, how are things going on? Not heard anything for a couple of days so just keeping in touch. Hope you are both getting the rest you need, albeit a forced one! Erin x

  • Cathy

    We should all be on a boat! Sending good karma your way from Michigan.

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