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Initial report

Dare I say it – yes we are still waiting!

We did get some preliminary report of the biopsy. The senior consultant of Infectious Disease came to see Steve. He said it was good to finally meet the person they’ve had so many discussions about.  He reamed out a long list of test they had done which I can’t remember much but included TB, brain worms and certain types of bacteria/microbes.   All test results were negative.  Things like ciguatera, vCJD were eliminated very early on. The biopsy showed no signs of micro organisms so critters in Steve’s brain have been ruled out.

Our neurology consultant also visited to let us know that his first impression from the biopsy is that Steve has an aggressive attack of MS.  It’s not conclusive yet as they still have to complete the full cell stain test. Steve’s lesions patterns are unusual and not quite typical of MS so they have to make sure lymphoma is completely ruled out.  The full result should be back on Monday, latest Tuesday.   What they do know for certain is that there are many inflammations in Steve’s brain; therefore they immediately started a three days course of steroid treatment intravenously. Already Steve is showing marked signs of improvement. He is more alert, energetic, cheerful and his balance is coming back.

We also celebrated a lovely diversion this week. Cousin Sarah and Russ’ oldest son Christopher received the Premier’s VCE Award for
outstanding achievement in Further Mathematics. The whole family including Chris’ younger brother Jack and sister Ross and Patrick (the trainee guide dog they have been looking after for the past year,) attended the award ceremony and tea, where the Premier of Victoria presented the certificate. It really is a brilliant achievement as only a few top students from thousands in the State of Victoria get this award. Chris has also been accepted to Stanford University in the USA and will be starting there this coming September. So lots of preparation and excitement along that front too.

Today the family left for their much deserved winter vacation to Queensland. They will be away for ten days, hopefully to enjoy plenty of sunshine, beaches and fishing. I haven’t been left entirely home alone. Besides the stick insects, frogs, chickens and the cat, I have been introduced to Sarah’s neighbors and friends who have kindly told me to call on them for any help and also to invite me for a meal or two in the evenings after visiting Steve. I am still being well looked after here.



2 comments to Initial report

  • Shelia Stovall

    Dear Helen: Just want you to know that Stuart and I are thinking of you and Steve
    and you are in our prayers. I read your blog every other day so I can keep up
    on Steve’s progress. I am very happy to hear that Steve is doing better with the
    latest meds. Stuart and Dale are almost to Darwin on the boat and I fly out next week from U.S. to meet them. We will stay in touch. Love, Shelia

  • Dear friends,
    I just received the news and have read your posts. My thoughts and best wishes are with you!
    Is there anything I can do? Check Dignity or do something here in Fiji?

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