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Medical Update from Steve

Things haven’t been too good recently. I have spent the last two weeks in Monash hospital having many tests performed to figure out whats up with me. Even after a brain biopsy things still aren’t entirely clear. The current thinking is that I may have lymphoma. Not good at all. We press on though and hope for the best. Helen has been astounding throughout all this taking on all the things I normally do. I love her dearly. How things have changed for us? We take each day as it comes. Hospital time is terrible and so I’m glad to have been let out tonight. Unfortunately I have to be back at 9am tomorrow morning.
Happy 4th of July.

10 comments to Medical Update from Steve

  • Steve, you and Helen are very much in our thoughts. We are hoping for the best. A 4th of July BBQ may not be appropriate in the Melbourne winter weather but hope your night out of the hospital includes a lovely dinner. Lots of love from us all aboard BR.

  • Erin

    Hi Steve, what is most difficult is the uncertainty and not knowing what the probelm is and what lies ahead. Robin and I can both understand what you are both going through and only wish there was something that we could do other than wish you well. On Helen’s last report she said that you were improving with the steroids so have they stopped this course of action for the time being until they figure what is going on?
    I got Robin out from hospital on two occasions (he was going stir crazy) which was good so enjoy it and I hope you have a happy July 4th. Love to you both. Erin xx

  • Hi Steve and Helen, We are thinking of you both and hoping the docs get things sorted out for you soon. It sure sounds like you have a very good medical team looking after you. Stepping up to this kind of thing in a positive way like you have takes alot of strength and courage. We admire you Helen for keeping the website up to date to keep us informed. Take extra good care of each other. Gloria and Michael on SV Paikea Mist

  • Susie and Des

    Hang in there you guys, there is a rainbow out there somewhere. Helen you are a tower of strength and Steve must be so grateful for your care and love. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both as always. Hugs and love.

  • Dave & Jacqui Jackster

    Hi Guys, shit news. What can we say? Can’t imagine what you (Steve) are feeling, can’t imagine what you (Helen) are feeling, so I won’t waste empty words.
    Steve, you have proved to be an astounding guy, so go and astound them, prove the ‘experts’ wrong. I remember you telling me what ‘expert’ means, let’s hope your right.
    Jacqui and I are very much aware of the strength of well wishes out here, every day someone new asks about you.
    Looking forward to seeing you both again, I’ve still got some of my best jokes to tell you….
    You’ve found a solution to everything else, this one’s do-able as well.

  • Tom McMurdo

    Hi Steve, We met last year in Fiji we went together to Fiji imigration to sort out one way flights for crew. Have just heard about your troubles through following another cruiser, man life puts a few obsticals in the way sometims! Just want to let you know both Diane and I are thinking about you and hope that you get through this all OK. Kia Kaha (stay strong)
    Cheers Tom & Diane sailing cat Surreal

  • Nephew Simon

    Hang in there guys … Love you both xxxx

  • colin

    Thinking of you lots. Helen has be great at keeping everybody up to date with the latest. How hard it must be for her to write it. Thinking of you Steve. You have managed to solve to many problems in the past on your travels that we are sure the fight in you will get you through this.

  • John and Jose Reyden

    Thank you so much for keeping us all posted, eventhough it must be terribly hard when the news is not so good. I hope the doctors soon come to a definite conclusion as to what is wrong, so treatment can be put into place. Wishing you both (and your family) all the best. You are both amazing. Take care. John and Jose

  • Anne & John

    Steve, Helen, John, Ben & Sam. We are holding you all in our hearts with love and are here for you all in whatever capacity you want or need.
    Big healing hugs.

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