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Steve was allowed home yesterday earlier than we expected. He is coping so well with the treatment. We are now cosied in our little garden flat. Cousin Sarah and Russ have added more things to make our stay even more comfortable and pleasant. They are amazing!
Our friends Janine and Brian have lent us their spare car which they said has just been sitting in their garage. This is fantastic as we now have independence and the convenience of getting around locally and to the hospital without relying on Sarah all the time. We are so grateful for their generosity.
Throughout life I have always looked for the good side of people. Always like to give people the benefit of doubt because we are all very human. During our travels we’ve met many many good and lovely people. I can’t really recall any bad ones…well maybe the odd miserable custom official!
My belief in people’s goodness and kindness has been justified over and over again during this very difficult time for us. We are extremely fortunate to know and have wonderful family members and friends so generous of heart.

11 comments to Update

  • Vicky Ratnavira

    Well done stevie routing for you, love you love to Helen. Take care.
    Vicky R”

  • mick sutton

    glad he is reacting well, hope that that continues until its cured.
    all the best

  • Hi Steve and Helen

    I’ve lurked on your blog for some time. I am 55 and last summer I was diagnosed with stage 4 Colon cancer, and my Cancer Dr. exact words were “I can promise you two good years”. Stage 4 has a 5 year survival rate of 8%. Since then I have had the cancer on my colon removed, 21 days in hospital and loss of 30lbs, 5 months of chemo with no major issues. Am on chemo at the moment (I carry a pump for 48hrs) and have three sessions to go. After that they will chop the remaining tumors (poss 2) in my liver. All my reading to date is that all the statistics are bollocks. Look around the waiting room and you will see that you are in a small subset of the patients, younger, fitter and with a better support system than most. From my brief reading your cancer has a survival rate of over 50%, your subset must give you an 80% of being in that group. For what its worth I have two plans, Plan 1 if I don’t beat the cancer, this I mostly keep private and is mainly based on making the transition easier for my wife. Plan 2 is that I will kick the bastard and get back to my life. This is my public face and occupies about 90% of my thought process.

    Don’t shelve any of your long term sailing plans.

    Fair Winds


  • colin

    There are many cliches “What gose round comes round” “Pass it forward” “You only get what you put into it” etc etc that is why you have only met people who are positive and why you have been able to solve the problems and hiccups that have come your way.I am sure that with your positive attitude and philosphy of not giving up or giving in this will get you through this. We have been lucky enough to to experience this personally
    I have been glancing back through my diary. I now know why I used different coloured pens
    Thinking of you both

  • Bill & Kathy

    Steve and Helen

    We just heard the news about Steve’s condition. We’re so sorry. We’ll be thinking of you and wish you the best.

    Bill & Kathy – Jarana

  • David Farrington

    Hello to Steve and his family and friends
    It’s a small world and word travels fast.
    There is not much to say except that our best hopes and wishes, and prayers, are with you, from all of us at Lagoon After Sales.
    By the way, I ran into Bertrand and Joël yesterday, the Lagoon factory technicians who were on site in New Zealand, and they, too, pass along their best regards to you and your wife.
    David Farrington, CNB Lagoon Customer Service Manager

  • Shelia and Stuart Stovall

    Good news regarding the chemo. Glad you are in your apartment and cosied up! I love that phrase. You are in our prayers and forever in our hearts.
    We leave this Saturday for Kupang. Traveling with Seamist, Kilkea, and
    Callisto. We will stay in touch via your blog. Many hugs, Shelia

  • Cherylle and Geoff Stone SY Subzero

    Steve and Helen, We have just heard from the Bamboozles that you and Dignity are not together and are saddened by the news of the reason why. Glad, though, that you are coping well with the chemo, have a comfy place to stay in Melbourne and Dignity will be in good hands for the passage to Aus.
    We have thought of you both often since we arrived in Tonga and are now in Fiji. Why? Because you gave us all those lovely tracks to follow. We arrived at the pass into Viani Bay a few days ago and charged straight in much to the surprise of our mates on Que Barbara who were cautiously stooging about getting the lay of the land. They were most impressed with our apparent audacity. Our response was we had a track and that’s the way Dignity would have done it! We hope your “can do” philosophy will hold you both in good stead for the current passage
    Cherylle and Geoff

  • Hello Steve and Helen, just wanted to let you know we are thinking of you all the time, and hoping for a speedy recovery for Steve. We are sending all our positive vibes your way.

    Christine, Chris, Andrea, Ryan and Cari

  • Hi Steve and Helen: We heard from Frank on Taina about your lymphoma, and our prayers are with you. When we embark on these voyages, we never expect to encounter this kind of a storm, but the strength of love and the passion for life serve us well during these extended periods of rain and wind. God bless you and your family.

    We are sure you have a great treatment plan, but in the unlikely event you need/want a local contact at one of the US hospitals — Hopkins, MD Anderson, etc. — please let me know. You may not recall or know that my non-sailing years focused on working with and among the US health system, and I’d be happy to try and connect you. My email is jglauds at mac dot com

    Please know that our thoughts are with you, and we’ll look forward to hosting you and Dignity when your crusing plans bring you through the Chesapeake Bay!

    xxooxx/jon and jennifer

  • tracey moreau

    Hi Helen & Steve. Its a rainy gloomy Akld Tuesday afternoon. Lew and I are busy working away as its winter flu time. I have logged in to see how your getting on and just wanted to say hi, hows it going? You are both in our thoughts, constantly. Its Lews birthday next weekend and we are goning to take a few days and head up to Jacks Bay. Remember our time together up there at the pub, twas a great laugh. Sending you both giant hugs. Love Tracey and Lew

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