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Dignity on the move

Dignity is finally on her way to Australia. Peter and Sam, checked out of Fiji Monday morning as a fine weather window opened up for them.

We are getting daily updates from Christina, Peter’s wife, who is in regular contact with them over the SSB radio. She is checking their position and condition and passing on essential weather information.

They had a pleasant first day sail, with 15 knots of wind, making good progress doing 6.5 kts with a swell out of the SW of 1.2m.

Yesterday their second day was a little tougher. They went through a little trough which was expected, but the wind turned out to be stronger than anticipated. Peter didn’t contact Christina at the scheduled evening time, due to the fact that they were dealing with 34kts of wind at the time. The wind continued between 24-30kts for 4 hrs afterwards. They reefed down the sails and coped well with the strong winds.

Today the winds have died down and so Peter plans to motor sail until the winds picks up again which is forecasted to soon.

If the weather continues to look good and stay as predicted, Dignity will probably sail direct to Australia without stopping off at New Caledonia. A direct sail will give them an ETA of 23rd/24th of August to Brisbane.

Steve has just finished his third round of chemo. It is beginning to takes its toll on him physically and mentally. We take each day as it comes. We take short walks to exercise Steve, read, watch movies and TV (recently enjoying the Olympics) and plan our future for possible outcomes and getting a few things sorted or going. In the evenings we enjoy dinner and time with the family, just chatting about the day and things in generally. Steve and I use to do this with our children so it’s lovely to enjoy family dinner time again.

Last weekend before Steve’s chemo, we took a trip to the bay with Sarah, Russ and Jack (who acted as our chauffer to earn hours for his driving permit). This was the first time we’ve been by the sea since leaving Fiji. It was a lovely day.


8 comments to Dignity on the move

  • Glad to hear you have the boat, and your son, on its way to Australia. Also glad to hear Steve continues to manage well with his treatments. Glad you’re getting to do the walks and family time with your hosts.

    On our front, Tahina is still in Cairns. My eye continues to slowly heal and is almost done, but it is taking far longer than I would prefer. Read the latest post on our blog for more details.

  • Erin

    Hi Helen and Steve, I am so glad that Dignity and Sam are finally on their way to join you in Oz – it must be a great relief to fiind the weather has picked up for the journey.
    It sounded like an idyllic day by the sea – I am jealous!
    Keep positive and, as you say, take each day as it comes. I know that from personal experience that every time we planned something too far ahead that something would bite us on the bottom so enjoy each day as it is so you cannot be dissapointed.
    Love to you both.

  • Steve looks well in the photo, I’m sure he’ll bounce back again after the latest round of treatment is history. As you said, take each day as it comes but I’m sure you’ll both be relieved when Dignity is safe and sound in Brisbane. When you wrote ‘exercising Steve’ I had this sudden vision of you taking him for a walk on a leash. Have you trained him to fetch yet?
    Keep positive, although I know that’s easier said than done. There’s a lot of people rooting for Steve.

  • Steve & Helen,
    So sorry to hear about Steve’s battle. Just wanted to drop a note and say that I fought the battle with Non- Hogkins Lymphoma… 30 years ago. When I was 25 years old they found a tumor in my chest the size of a grapefruit and told me without chemo, I had about 3 weeks to live. After serious consideration, I decided to try the Chemo and radiation treatments. It appears that the treatment was successful, since I am still kicking!We are now in Mayotte cruising and will return to Madagascar for another month before heading to South Africa. Quit fooling around and get back out here cruising.

    Much love from Tom, Kim & Emily
    aboard the MV Emily Grace

  • Val & Bill SV Ivory Quays

    We are shocked to learn of your health issues.
    You are young ,fit and strong Steve, with Helen at your side and love and support from family and friends , you will beat this.
    Stay strong, with positive thoughts .
    We wish you and Helen all the best.
    Val & Bill
    SV Ivory Quays

  • Dan & Marci

    Helen and Steve,

    We have been following your blog for nearly a year. Dan found your blog while doing research for our retirement. Our plan for our retirement has been to live on a Cat and ever since Dan found your blog you two have inspired us to pursue our desires to live on the water and sail around the world. While we have followed your blog intensely, we have been hesitant to reply to any of your posts, especially with Steve’s recent health issues. We felt we needed to let you two know how much you inspired us and that we still check your blog daily looking for updates on Steve’s progress and we pray for you both, hoping for Steve’s quick recovery, so you two can return to the sea. Helen and Steve, keep your strength up and we hope that you two know that you are an inspiration to us and others like us!!

  • mick sutton

    seeing the old tub again will, hopefully, lift both your spirits and give you a renewed reason to beat this bastard disease.
    i never read the other comments on here without getting a lump in my eye and a tear in my throat, as you two seem to have had nothing but a positive impact on everyone you have ever met, including me.
    if i believed in anything i would pray to it for you both, but as i dont, please believe me when i say i wish you nothing but the best and a speedy recovery, so you can get back to sailing and making me jealous of all the places you go an people you meet.
    i suppose like many on here i just wish there was something tangible i could do to help.

  • Jock and Leanne

    Hey there.
    We are so sorry to hear of Steve’s sudden illness. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both and your family at this time. Keep strong and support each other. Your love is strong to get through this.
    Jock & Leanne
    Just in Time

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