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Slowly slowing down

On Wednesday morning we headed back to the airport to fly back to Brisbane. On the way we stopped by the Alfred Hospital to take some pictures and then went onto the passport office to pick up our apostilled documents. One last stop at the Fed Ex office and we were done. Getting to Brisbane presented no difficulties. Now that the school hols are over, we’re back to $80 flights each way which is a fantastic deal.

A taxi ride back to Manly and we were back on the boat. We managed to run into Pam from Passages on the dock and soon had an evening meet up agreed. Later we randomly ran into John too. The evening saw us first on Passages for a little social then back at the marina club house for dinner and ending up Dignity for some more socializing.

On Thursday and Friday Helen and I were hard at it doing as many remaining chores as possible. We are just about done now so today has been a bit of a light day. This morning we had a couple of prospective buyers round. They were a very nice couple who are planning to go cruising. While we hope they become Dignity’s next owners we do wish them all the very best for this next phase of their lives, even if they decide on another boat.

During their visit I noticed the starboard bilge had more water in it than it should. Once they’d left I momentarily overrode the bilge switch but from then on it work fine, even when it stopped and I put more water in. The bilge switches have some ‘smarts’ to prevent fuel in the bilge (were it to go in there) going overboard. Not a bad idea but this time I suspect it was spoofed by some dirt that may have built up over time sitting here on the dock. Once the thing started running it probably cleaned itself. I ran plenty of fresh water into the bilge just in case and did the same in the port bilge while I was at it.

I also changed out the pump on the collection tray for the main cabin A/C. We’d known it was a bit noisy and had ordered a spare which Sam brought when he came to NZ. It was a bit frustrating changing the pump as I had to cut the cable ties holding the old pump. Doing jobs like this I am reminded how weak (relative to my old self) my hands (and the rest of my body) are. I’d run into a similar problem in the morning when I was unable to lift the floor board to show the water maker.

By now almost all our belongings destined to go back to the Uk are packed and the pickup scheduled for Tuesday. I’ve put together some new pamphlets to sell some more of our spare stuff as most of the last lot are now sold. Today Sam took these ashore an put them up in a number of the local buildings.

Sam showed up on Friday and we’ve managed, since then, to spend a good amount of time with him. Right now he’s back off into Brisbane doing his thing. We may see him this evening.

For now, with little left to do, we’ve both slowed down a bit. It’s nice to be able to relax.

2 comments to Slowly slowing down

  • Anonymous

    I read youR blog avidly and my heart is always with you

  • Hi Steve,
    I am so sorry to hear about your illness. My wife Gail and I are also interested in Dignity and have arranged an inspection next Friday (we live on the Gold Coast).

    I have also been diagnosed with cancer – Mesothelioma which is incurable but hopefully, I will get a couple more years – have been having chemo now for five months with another couple of sessions scheduled before I get my next prognosis. You can read my journey at

    We have our own yacht (a Hunter 340) which is a bit small for live aboard. We are looking for a catamaran where we can live and cruise up and down the Australian East Coast for whatever time that we have left together.

    All the best to you and Helen back in the UK – if you are still around on Friday afternoon, we would love to meet you and for you to show us around your beautiful boat.

    Kind Regards
    Steve & Gail Cook

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