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Possibly the last time on the move

Our boxes were picked up slightly earlier than we planned so we were all done by 8:30. John from Passages came over at 9:30 to be on the boat to take her over to the maintenance yard. As it turned out, the wind kicked up a stink and we were unable to move the boat on Tuesday. As ever, this turned out to be good for us as it kept us close to town for the day. It also allowed Helen and I to pop over to Passages to say goodbye to Pam. There’s a chance we’ll see her today but we’d prefer to say goodbye twice rather than not at all. They are flying to Asia next week so it’s a full goodbye for us all.

Sam returned from his Greenpeace training yesterday (he has a job there) and we spent most of the afternoon and evening together having dinner aboard together. In the evening we also managed to sell our sea anchor which is only of interest to planners of long passages. We’re particular pleased as most of the folks here are coastal sailors and hence less likely to be interested in it.

At 6:15 this morning (Wednesday) Jason from the shipwrights dinghied over to help us come over to the yard. At that time of the morning the wind was light. John from Passages joined us for the very short (<1km) motor over to the yard. It was a very mixed experience for Helen and I as this was the first time we've been able to move the boat since we left it in Fiji back in June. All the feelings of being off on adventure came back but offset by the sad feeling that this could be our last trip on Dignity. We are now tied up to the yard dock and work will soon begin on Dignity. Measurements for the mast compression pole fix have been taken and I believe the new metal is now being made up. Ella, granddaughter Bau and Penne (Ella's mum) are hopefully on their way from the airport and we're looking forward to seeing them all soon. Rob and Trish popped by for Rob to say goodbye to us. We'll see Trish later as she's offered to take us to the airport.

3 comments to Possibly the last time on the move

  • Charles Harvell

    Bittersweet time- my guess is you will look back not far down the road from the helm of your next boat and say it was actually just the start of a new albeit different adventure!

  • Cathy Lundy

    Steve and Helen, When I look at all the places you have traveled to in your list, I am envious. For those of us unable to sail to all those places, you have taken us there with your blog. Thank you so much. I, too, have some of those little radiation tattoos as a reminder of treatment 10 years ago. Hang in there, this too shall pass.

    “The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.” — Jacques Yves Cousteau

  • steve

    Hi Cathy,

    When we left on our trip we genuinely felt we should do it while we were young and relatively healthy. We are so glad we did. We think more about the privilege we’ve had experiencing the things we have rather than the circumstances in which we’ve had to cut our trip short.

    We’re glad you’ve been able to travel with us so to speak. I understand your past and truly wish you’d been out there with us.

    All the very best,


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