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Really not a lot to say since the weekend. I can’t believe how much time we’re spending on admin. We’re selling a boat, three properties and planning our future. Each have their own challenges and doing anything from the other side of the world has extras complications. It’s a full time job. Each day I go and have another blast of X-Rays. I’ve reached the point where I fall asleep lying down in my mask. It’s oddly comfortable. The only bit that I don’t like is when they blast my head and my optic nerves fire up giving me a blue flash and afterglow.

Yesterday morning we witnessed a partial solar eclipse. The full eclipse was seen up in Cairns. Our original plans had been to be sailing south around this time and to catch the full eclipse out at sea. In hindsight this would have been too late in the year to be safe and of course this year has worked out a bit different. Helen and I managed to capture a few pictures using sides torn off a cornflake box and making a crude pinhole camera.

I’ve also spent a lot of time recently looking into our future technology needs. I haven’t come to a full conclusion but am close to settling on our first smart phone. I am quite attracted to the new Nexus 4. This means we’ll be committing to the Google/Android open paradigm rather than the controlling, fingers around the throat Apple paradigm, despite their wonderful looks. It seems pretty popular as it sold out in the UK & US within hours of launch.

One final note to nearly celebrate. The insurance company have told me they’ve sent the final payment. They’ve not said how much and it hasn’t appeared yet. When it arrives and if it’s the right amount we may just treat ourselves.

1 comment to Admin

  • mick sutton

    george, my youngest boy, had an iphone for several years, which he loved, he then had the nokia lumia, which he said was even better.
    sadly, he went out one night and got so pissed that he lost his lumia.
    he had the iphone for three years, and i know he got drunk several times during that period, which proves, beyond all doubt, that the iphone is harder to lose.
    or something.

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