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After a gentle morning rise we had a light breakfast, last chats with Ella and a last, for now, conjunction with Bao. The drive back down to Brisbane was fairly easy but we took turns as we were both quite tired.

Back on the boat we both got back to work. Helen focused on replacing all shower hoses/heads/supports and cleaning up the boat while I got back to admin. There are a few minor things to do with the new rigging which I followed up on. We inspected the work the gas man had done. It looks pretty good except for the fact it looks like some gas oil was spilled onto the teak. It all came out with soap but it would have been better if he hadn’t caused the spills in the first place. I have now booked the gas inspector to come on Monday to certify the appliances.

Sadly our relationship with the broker who recently nearly sold Dignity has broken up. She had been truly helpful to us in the early phases to the point we had recommended her to friends of ours. She had given both Helen and I assurances that during the pre-sale sea trial Dignity would be handled professionally and would be covered for any damage. When we returned to Dignity last week we found evidence of dock collision and poor tying to the dock resulting in further minor damage to the boat. In the scheme of things this is trivial. Expecting her to step up to her prior assurances we have since experienced total denial of responsibility and ridiculous assertions of blame elsewhere. We have patiently given her a few opportunities to step up but she’s chosen to leave her reputation in the dirt. This was not about the money, it was about professionalism and trust. We have totally lost trust in her and requested the relationship be terminated.

More admin around chasing quotes for the boat sides to be cleaned / buffed and getting on board with another broker.

We’re building a list of minor things to fix. It’s all kind of business as usual for a boat but it will all help when we get another buyer in the door.

The day ended in style with a visit from Bert and Inge from Boree. We chewed the cud on the back deck with the usual lubricants before heading over to the clubhouse to eat dinner. I left the memory card out of the camera again!!! so we have no pics. We’ll just have to see them again before we go.

The day ended with another beautiful conjunction – the Moon passing by Jupiter.

2 comments to Conjunctions

  • Hi Steve, Sorry to hear about your troubles with the broker – Jason from Ensign Brokers was telling me yesterday about all the problems you were having. Gail and I would have loved to buy Dignity but with my prognosis, we have to look to the future when Gail will have to handle the boat by herself and she felt that Dignity was a little too big for that otherwise, we would have put an offer on it after the inspection.
    We have set our goals on a Lagoon 38 which would be more suitable for Gail to handle by herself.
    I trust that your latest treatment is working – all the best, Steve

  • steve

    All the best following your dream. How and when people break out of pattern reveals a lot about their character. Enough said about that broker.

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