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We’re Going Sailing

While we both felt we needed a rest on Sunday, after a long lie in, we did get up and get on with some work.  Helen did some cosmetic sealing here and there while I ran the mainsheet and tidied up all the lines on the new rigging.  All the lines had been left long by the riggers and I decided to leave them that way for the new owner to decide what to do with them.  That made it a bit more of a challenge tucking them away neatly but I managed.  Neil from Attitude helped out putting the dinghy motor onto the dinghy as my returning strength is not yet up to handling the motor on my own.  The motor started and ran fine after just a few pulls.

Sam decided to do something else rather than visit us.  This left us and me in particular pretty upset.  He is young and going through all this in his own way but I also handled things wrong.  This resulted in our feeling very low through the afternoon.  In the end, I hope, this episode will result in us all having a greater understanding of how we are each coping with this phase of our lives.  Plans have now been made to get together later in the week.

Today we’re going sailing.  There’s a nice weather window to go out into the bay for 2-3 days.  We’re thinking of heading over to the wrecks at Tangalooma and maybe the Sand Hills.  We’ll see.  The good news is the wind doesn’t pick up until later in the morning so we still get a lie in.

This will be our first sail since May in Fiji.  How much has happened since!!!  We’re looking forward to testing everything out and having what is likely to be our final fling on the boat.  The course is set into the plotter, VHF channel use in the area understood, weather websites researched and bookmarked.  We’re ready to go.

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