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I really don’t like to be disingenuous to people but this word is whirling around my mind right now when I think of the guy who surveyed our boat for the past buyers. You see, in my mind when you survey something you take accurate written or verbal notes of any issues as one goes around the boat and take photos to support your direct and recorded observations. After all, you are representing your client and hopefully not trying to malign the other party. Simple professionalism.

I’ve been trying to figure out some of the few items that came through from the survey that was performed on Dignity.

Take a look at this photo :

This is was provided as evidence of a crack found in weld in the non-structural wire at the bow that supports the nets. I agreed this looked like a nasty crack and was an item I had agreed to fix and spent some time hunting down to find. Neither I nor the shipwright could find this crack during our last visit.

Today I tried again to find this. This time I took some photos myself to try and compare now and then. Look at this one I took.

Hmmm. In this better picture you can sort of see the crack but hang on a minute. Isn’t that a reflection.

From a different angle you can see it is a reflection and nothing else. So what happened? Did the surveyor leaf through his fuzzy photos making up issues he had not directly observed? A*.

How about this one :

This picture supported the ‘observation’ regarding wires running into the dinghy davits under the deckhead. Well, there are no wires running into the davits but I found where this is :


Er, that’s the top of the bimini support pole. Just for those of you interested, here is a dinghy davit :

Forgivable mistake? Nah. If you’re charging money to survey a $400,000 boat you better know the difference between a davit and a bimini pole.

There are others. The privacy door in the starboard hull was called out as requiring replacement/repair. There were two loose screws. I tightened them. Is this the sort of thing that goes on a survey and brought to the attention of the seller? Not in the world I live in. Stop, stop. It does go on but no more.

There were some valid issues of course. I’d agreed to deal with them and we’re sorting them out now. But I’ve got to stop before I start really ranting.

Ok, so A* wasn’t appropriate. W* is better.

2 comments to A*

  • Nick

    That is inexcusable, I hope you have contacted the potential buyers and let them know that they survey they paid for was a waste of money.

    Also could you let us know the name of this surveyor so that those of us in Brisbane know to steer clear of him/her.

  • steve

    It is inexcusable. If the potential buyers are reading the blog they’ll know. If they’re not, I see no value in pushing this out to them. Right now I don’t want to get in a fight with anyone so I won’t publish names but I will send names to anyone who asks. Nick – email on it’s way to you.

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