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Merry Christmas

Merry Xmas everyone. Our love to you all.

Sorry for not blogging. I’ve been distracted.

Over the weekend we visited our friends Brian and Janine and their teenage kids Ben and Holly again. Again, the drive there and back was straight forward. I’ve been feeling quite tired recently so I let Helen do most of the driving. All we did there was chat and enjoy each others company. We took them all out for a meal, partly to say thanks for the loan of the car. I realize that mentally I simply can’t stop thinking about the year ahead and generating more things to think about and do. It’s wearing me out a bit. So the R&R was much needed.

On the way back we stopped off at Chadstone Shopping Center. It was packed solid and a little like Hell on Earth. Except for the fact it was 40C outside and air conditioned on the inside.

Monday saw us back at the hospital, again, for a blood test. While we were out we received notice one of our Nexus 4s had arrived. My one of course. Oh joy that knows no bounds.

In the evening we were invited around for a BBQ at Russ and Sarah’s friends, Steve & Del. We had a good time out but both Helen and I seemed to have ingested a dollup of something equivalent to MSG as we were up most of the night. The upside of this is that I was able to continue my new relationship with my new device.

It’s Xmas morning here now so here’s wishing you all a good one again.

1 comment to Merry Christmas

  • mick sutton

    happy christmas to you and helen, and all the family.
    it must have seemed at some times this year that you may not have seen today,
    but here you are, and long may you stay.
    all the best for the future, and hope to see you, fit and well, sometime soon,

    mick, nicky and all our family

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