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The flight to Sydney was neither late nor eventful. Lugging our luggage from the airport to the hotel was a pain but we made it. We both took a rest in our room before heading out and walking around Darling Harbour. The area was definitely thriving. The pics, when I get to upload them, will hopefully give a sense of the place.

We ended up eating out at a Malaysian restaurant getting a free bottle of wine to boot. Very nice.

Today we’ve been on a stretch. Before 10am we walked to the Botanic Gardens, had a wander around there before walking to the vicinity of the Opera House. The whole area was pretty stunning. I messed around with the Ingress game while out and about as the place was littered with portals. I’m still so far behind it’s hard to get going but I’m learning.

From the Opera House we headed down to Circular Quay where we had lunch. Next we headed up through “The Rocks” up to the Harbour Bridge where we eventually found ourselves at the base of one of the pylons. For $11 each we got to visit a museum and climb to the top, almost as high as the folks who pay 10 times as much to climb to the top of the bridge. We were pretty happy with our choice.

From there we walked over the bridge to the north side before catching a train back to our hotel.

The weather was very pleasant so no heat exhaustion. We’re ready for more tomorrow.

2 comments to Sydney

  • Colin Barnes

    Great to hear your good news. Sounds like you are now starting to really enjoy things in life again. Happy holidaying.

  • Helen

    Hi Steve and Helen, This is wonderful news. We want to thank you for “rekindling the contact”. I will reply to your e-mail, there’s so much to tell, I don’t know where to start. But we are so happy to hear you are well again. Speak soon, Helen and Matthias

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