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Hong Kong / Kowloon Day 1

With a mix of weather being forecast we decided to stay on the Kowloon side and focus on things there.

First, we walked up the Nathan Road to Mongkok where, at 10am, things were just opening for the day. Even then, the hustle and bustle was developing but it wasn’t our intention to stay. We must go back one evening when the place is supposed to be really alive.

We took a train to Diamond Hill where we visited the Nan Lian Garden, a little gem of a place. It’s a little bit of old China nestled amongst the new. I found the contrasting images of the ancient chinese architecture and gardens with modern skyscrapers behind quite photogenic.

Off to the side of the gardens is the Chi Lin Nunnery. Of the Nun’s there were none to be found. But this was a place of reverence for many Bhuddists and there were many areas where photos were not allowed. The place comprised three courtyards representing three layers of enlightenment and each courtyard was beautifully laid out. It definitely felt serene.

Back at the train station we detoured via the Plaza Hollywood Mall where we ate lunch and I bought my first gadget of the day – a portable power pack for our phones.

After lunch we took a couple of trains over to the Golden Computer Shopping Arcade at Sham Shui Po. This place was really packed full of small outfits selling a lot of the same stuff. We picked up a few dirt cheap items but not any of the things I was really looking for. Nevertheless, it was an experience and again, maybe worth a repeat visit.

After nearly six hours on the move we were both feeling quite tired so it was back to the hotel for a rest.

In the evening we headed out again to experience Kowloon at night. Our first stop was a ride to the top of our hotel for a view from the roof. While not one of the tallest buildings the view was still impressive. And without the normal western suicide protection looking over the edge was distinctly wobbly.

This time we walked down to where I’d read there was a Samsung store in a mall. We walked through the Kowloon Park which was dimly lit and quite tranquil and eventually made our way to the mall area to the north of the Star Ferry Pier. This place was modern and immense with all the designer stores you could imagine. And then some. It was packed with what were presumably Chinese commuters and tourists. We found the Samsung store which was disappointingly small and definitely did not have the laptop I was looking for. Looks like will get my order but we kind of knew this all along.

We continued down to the Star Ferry Pier to take a look at the view over to Hong Kong Island. In the slight drizzle the sight was still breathtaking but I imagine it would be better on a clear night.

We walked part of the promenade before fatigue tapped us both on the shoulder so we made our way up the Nathan Road to our hotel. On the way we picked up groceries and food from a side street a little reminiscent of the Blade Runner street scenes.

We were both exhausted and I didn’t even make it through an episode of Coupling before falling asleep.

More mixed weather today so we’re going to have to adapt our plans. No idea what we’ll do yet. One thing we learned from yesterday was a lot happens in the evening so a lie in is in order.

1 comment to Hong Kong / Kowloon Day 1

  • lew randal and Tracey M.

    Haere Ra Steve & Helen. And there you are, on the next chapter of your journey. We went to those gardens. Such a quiet peaceful structured place. Did you go inside the restaurant with the waterfall front window? Its Akld anniversary today. Lew and i biked to Mission Bay. !/2 of town was there, thank goodness we took our bikes, traffic jams for hours. We are still tracking you so keep the blog updated. Much love from us. xx

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