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Enemy Contact

Since the last update we’ve been spending more time with my parents helping out with a lot of the little tasks that come with moving into a new home. We’ve also been out with my sisters family a couple of times to restaurants and local functions.

In between times I’ve been spending a lot of time playing Ingress, including a couple of days with my nephew and dragging Helen around very reluctantly. Grahamstown has only one serious player (who’s part of the opposition) but a lot of portals (most of you can switch off now). He’s at a higher level than me and it was tough at first. But I’ve built my levels up and gained a foothold in the town. To the point where, yesterday, my opposition came to defend a local church we were attacking and we met up. I’d thought he might be a local student walking around town. Turned out he was part of the university maths faculty driving about and a nice guy to boot.

So now it’s personal. I’m on a bit of a hiatus attacking his portals as most of the rest are clustered tight within the college and hard to attack. Soon.

On other fronts we have news building which is a little premature to announce. In time it will come out.

We are all looking forward to March 1st when two of our sons, one of their girlfriends and Bao arrive. We did a round of the vehicle hire companies here in Grahamastown and now have vehicles booked to pick them all up from the airport and drop them off again.

Today I spent most of the day providing tech support for a local couple. I learned a lot which I found quite positive and engaging. They’ve now got a lot more for a bit less.

This is all allowing me to postpone doing my taxes. Must get down to it tomorrow.

2 comments to Enemy Contact

  • You’re making great progress at the game Steve. I wonder if there are any other Ingress players reading your blog than me?

  • Anonymous

    Great news about the hair. Is it really curly? Well, love to see all the gorgeous pics as it is still freezing here. All the fault of the Poles we are lead to believe. No skinny dipping for me!!!!! Where is Sam now? Did he go back to America?
    The last couple of weeks have been filled with highs and lows. Great news- James has been offered a job at AXA as an actuary. His dream and hard work is finally coming to fruition and he should start around July. He was so pleased as it was his last interview and assessment. Now he is working as a temp at Unicredit bank to get enough money together to go to Australia before he embarks on his career. Another dream realised. However there could be a spanner in the works because today he has gone for 2 interviews with different people in the same company Legal and General (the first company he went to see) . It appears they have had him on a list and one of the assessors loved him and although he didnt automatically get the job she has expressed her desire to see him separately and maybe offer him an actuarial job on her team. Then another manager looked at the candidates and said they also wanted to see James today. So could potentially have a couple of job offers. However he still wants to go to Australia so dont know how this will pan out. He has got my travelling bug. Any tips on where to go in Australia or what to do would be greatly appreciated. Also opinion of whether to work for AXA or Legal and General?????

    Now not so great news. Last year Hayley suffered from Bells Palsy and thought it was a matter of course for the nerve to repair and her face to return to normal. However this has not been the case and today we went to the neurological hospital. She had a load of tests and now they think there is nerve damage and she may not get better. She still cannot control her mouth and drinks dribble out of her mouth although she can control this to some extent if she drinks through a straw. Lots of other complications with spasms etc. She was devastated because obviously although she is not unwell she will have to live with this for life. Hard news for a 25 Year old in todays society. However she has been brave (after shared tears) and she will see a consultant in April. Everything crossed.As we all like to believe in luck and hope.

    Any way hope your trip home continues to be great and hope to see you soon(with a better hairstyle).


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