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Three Things

There’s three things I really want to announce. But I shouldn’t just yet. So I won’t.

And that’s not fair is it? It’s like saying I have a secret and not telling anyone. So I’ll give one away.

My hair’s regrowing. On my head and on this ridiculous bald stripe down my chest from the spinal RT. Hairs are growing back all over. I’m proud of them. Not sure how long it will take to return to normal or what normal will be but it’s happening.


The rest shall wait.

1 comment to Three Things

  • mick sutton

    three things, eh?
    well, hair growth where you had none indicates that perhaps your voice might be breaking and that the second thing might be some oblate spheroids descending. warm?
    third thing, well, given where you are, and when you arrived there, did you shoot Reeva Steenkamp?
    admit it, we won’t tell anyone, honestly!

    really glad things are going so well for you, now. its been a harrowing few months
    for all of us that read this blog!

    all the best to you both, mick and nicky

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