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Another trip into London, another consultant and another problem. This time, it looks like the ulcer on the side of my face is Leishmaniasis. This was the doctors preliminary diagnosis following visual examination. It needs to be verified by biopsy. Fortunately we both had time to do this so I was soon on the bed having anesthetic injected into my face and 3 x 4mm slugs of flesh bored out of my wound. This allows for other testing too in case the problem is something else. But a comparison between pics found on the web and my own (see below) do suggest he’s right.

I returned home with plasters all over my face. Overnight they loosened so I was able to get a picture this morning. It looks worse than normal as the biopsy punctures and my one stitch are still prominent. These should settle in time.

The irony, of course, is that travelling to exotic countries for so many years, our health was fine. Then, on the very last leg, on our way home, I get this.

Next week we’ll be learning about the MRI and the results of the skin biopsies. Wish I could say I was excited.

1 comment to Leishmaniasis

  • Steve is this from the bite in South Africa? While confirdent you will get all necessary info and care in the UK, just wondering if South African MDs have more info? Work colleagues in the US who picked up “bugs” in South America would sometimes return to the “scene of the crime” for appropriate treatment. Great pic by the way 🙂 but please, go easy on the visuals 🙂 Trish

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