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Not Leishmaniasis

We’ve had a couple of doctors’ interactions. The first with the skin specialist over the phone and the second with Prof Linch face to face.

The long and the short of it is that I don’t have Leishmaniasis. I have a B-Cell Lymphoma, related to the Epstein-Barr virus somehow, expressing itself on my face. The specialists examining my brain tissue won’t let a square peg into a round hole and are saying the brain tissue does not exhibit B-Cell lymphoma. So do I have two separate and rare lymphomas? Or something not yet fully understood. There are more test results due in over the next few days but the Prof things we need to start treatment ASAP. So here I am on the 15th floor of UCH watching the sunset over west London from my fabulous hotel hospital room. Treatment begins tomorrow. I was told what it was but have since forgotten. I’ll take notes next time.

2 comments to Not Leishmaniasis

  • Ashley


    Not sure how to reply, being an old greying git and techno-phobe, so hope this gets to you. I really feel for you and Helen and wish you all the very best through a further difficult period of treatment. Hope we can meet up soon and share a Stella like old times. Thinking of you. Ashley

  • lew randal and Tracey M.

    oh boy Steve, so here you go again. What a bastard . Its obvious these phoma’s have no eyes or they would see what an awesome being they are messing with. I’m reading, for the 1st time ever, Lord of the rings and you my darling steve are right up there with Aragon! So, hang tough, stay strong, anticipate the best, be you Steve cos you really are a 5%er. love to you and your darling Helen xxx

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