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Yoo Hoo – Drip’s Coming Out

I’ve just been told the Methotrexate levels in my blood have been measured below the magic number whereby I come come off the regular bladder inducing, immobilizing drip. It’s not out yet but the nurse is coming in. It means I can shower easily and be a lot more mobile. All good stuff.

Earlier today we met with Prof Linch again. He expressed some surprise that the E-B virus possible cause for what’s happening inside my brain showed up in my face biopsy but not in my brain. Current hypothesis is my recent decent to unwellness (the original T-Cell Lymphoma returning) lowered my cell counts sufficiently to allow he E-B virus in to give me a second lymphoma which manifested on my face.

The good news is that I’ve responded well to this first round of chemo (in terms of how I feel and look). Due to the distance home they want to keep me in for observation until my cell counts return high enough to repeat this first round of treatment verbatim. Another MRI could well be in order at that point to check up on things and decide what to do next. Next could include stem-cell therapy which is a euphemism for even more aggressive chemo. But that’s a way ahead of and very uncertain.

Everyone here knows about Ben’s Wedding date and our utmost desire to time things so that, if nothing else, we can make it. Even Prof Linch knows. If it can be done, it will be done. But at then end of the day, this new fight takes priority over everything else but we’ll do what we can.

I remain as well as can be expected under the circumstances and thank all of you who have contacted us. As ever it means a lot.

One final piece of news is that I heard today that Dignity’s new owner will keep the name. That is a warming thought. Thanks for that. Enjoy that new rig, it’s a dream.

1 comment to Yoo Hoo – Drip’s Coming Out

  • Pat Aylett

    This is great news, Steve, even though you’re not completely ‘out of the woods’ yet. Taking it one step at a time is the way forward now, but we know how hard it is to be patient with the treatment. Glad you’re feeling a bit better now.
    We raised £400 for the LA from our lunch on Saturday and have collected another £60 this evening from a talk to a local British Legion group.
    Hang on in there!

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