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This is so boring. And there is no end in sight yet. I have learned I can go home when by cell counts start rising into the safe zone. They haven’t finished crashing yet. I am officially nutropenic now which means I am restricted in what I can eat and I really have to be careful about infections and cuts.

Life does not stop though. Helen went to see a property in Chorleywood. There are some compromises for use, particularly the outside look, but it pushes a lot of buttons. In particular the village of Chorleywood is one of our favourites and the property is located about 5 mins walking distance from the station and town center. So we’ve made an offer which may result in a seller decision by Monday. For now a link to the website and a few random pics Helen took.

We’ve no idea if our offer will be accepted but we think it’s generous. We only hope the seller doesn’t drag this out as apparently there’s a lot of interest. You will be notified when we know the outcome.

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