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Busy time

Healthwise I’m a bit on a roller coaster. My white cell count is now down to zero and we’re having to be very careful. I even have a box of masks if I leave my room.

I’ve also seen some falling blood pressure and have had two sets of infusions for platelets and blood. Apparently I get a lot of extra color in my cheeks when I get the extra blood. I wonder when this will catch on in the fashion industry. I’m very thankful for the PICC line which has saved me a lot of needles.

Of course there’s been the excitement of winning our bid on the house we want. It turned out we were one of five who offered the asking price with one of the others also a cash buyer and no chain. We were asked to provide a Best and Final Bid. Helen and I debated this and agreed a new amount. I decided to add an extra £1,000 so the number wasn’t so round. The long and the short of it is we’re now moving on. I’ve got a couple of conveyancing solicitors to interview today and I hope to interview a few surveyors too so we can proceed on our side of things.

The only fly in the ointment is the vendor had a property they wanted to buy nearby but it’s since been sold. We’ll have to work something out here as we can’t leave this open ended.

1 comment to Busy time

  • John & Jose Reyden

    So happy to hear the offer has been accepted and that you can now look forward to settling, house looks great, although not quite as awesome as Dignity ;-). Wishing you all the best for the remainder of your treatment, hope it will work out well. Thinking of you both. John & Jose

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