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Memory Update

Sorry I haven’t updated recently. I’ve been waiting for Steve to show some real improvement with his memory issues but unfortunately there hasn’t been any real change in that area.

There has been improvement with his general health though. One positive result of his memory loss is that he’s forgotten how much he dislikes hospital food and is eating well. He has finally gained weight and is doing gentle exercise to gain strength too.

The main concern at the moment is Steve immune system. He is struggling to generate enough white cells and platelets. Last week he started developing temperature spikes which is a sign of infection. An MRI taken showed inflammations in Steve’s brain, especially around where short term memory is thought to be processed. So he is back on strong antibiotics and antivirals.
To help the immune system and memory issues, Professor Linch has started Steve on Interferon. There are risks with this treatment but the benefits outweigh the risks if it works. Steve had his first dose the other day so we wait to see how he responds.

As for me, I still commute in everyday to spend the day at the hospital with Steve. We get regular visits from family and friends and a few times I’ve met up with old friends for lunch or a drink. Sometimes I take a break for an hour or two and visit some of the many museums, libraries, and shops nearby. That’s one advantage of being in the center of London.

I’m also kept busy with quite a lot of paperwork, fortunately Steve is so well organized that I’ve been able to take over quite easily. The purchase of our house in Chorleywood is going smoothly. We’re expecting to exchange contract next week and close end of August/early September. As many can imagine I spend many hours planning and scheming how to decorate and furnish the house. I’m very much looking forward to having a home again.

Thank you everyone for your continued support and words of encouragement. They certainly help to keep me strong.

4 comments to Memory Update

  • Anonymous

    Thanks for the update Helen especially as you are busy with so much else eg the house purchase. We know from David’ s experience the problems with infections and we do hope that the current medication will prove successful for Steve. Good to hear that he is starting to put on weight- hope it continues. We think of you both and hope that there is a light at the end of this long tunnel for both of you. Hang on in there, brave lady and stay strong.
    Best wishes
    Pat & David

  • Karen croft

    Hi Helen, Steve sorry for delay in response I’ve been working every shift going. I thought about the day Steve came to stoke and decided it was probably a good thing I wasn’t on duty I wouldn’t have been able to care for him but I hope you where both looked after . I cannot imagine how hard all of this us for you both and the family but I’m truly grateful for your updates. Ashley was down today and with dans help did the garden for me I just can’t manage it on my own . I’ve been blessed with your nlogs seeing the amazing world through your eyes they’ve got me through some tough nite shifts . The blogs you release now are a true representative if what amazing people you both are thank you xxx

    Karen xxxc

  • Simon brown

    Lots of love to you both, Aunty … XXXX

  • Hi Helen, Thanks for the update. So good to hear Steve is putting on some weight. Sending love and best wishes to you both.

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