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Mustique Walkabout

Guess what we had for lunch. Yup. Tuna. We kind of overdid it though. Between us we took one full fillet and grilled it accompanied with noodles fished up with tuna head broth. Couldn’t quite finish it all.

This afternoon, once it cooled down, we went for a random walk around the island using a map I’d picked up at the check in station. Right off the dock you come to the village which is just a few very ornate shops and a bar called Basil’s. The beers are twice the normal price but we may go tomorrow evening when they have a band playing. Who knows, we may bump into one of the locals.

The island is very manicured – what you’d expect for the island where the rich and famous live. The properties, such that you could see, were very well designed and kept, frequently occupying strategic view points. The grounds were expertly kept with beautiful flora which gave Helen a thrill. Along the way we came across a free roaming tortoise.

The roads feel a bit like a country club along with everyone driving around in golf carts. Fortunately that means no one is going really fast so it’s relaxing to walk round the roads. Tomorrow we may well just get out the folding bikes for the first time to follow the coast road around.

1 comment to Mustique Walkabout

  • John

    Tuna is a much meatier fish than normal. Cut into and cook like steaks. Fresh tuna should be cooked medium rare, it should still be dark pink/purple on the inside. Dont over cook great fresh fish, what you have there probably costs about 60-80quid here.

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