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One of these days I’ll be reporting that everything went to plan. Not today. We went for our walk to St Johns via Greencastle Hill. To get to the hill we had to walk about 3-4 miles along the road, turn right and walk another mile, look for dirt track next to a brick factory and then walk up that. Well, the best we could figure out that since my guidebook was written (10 years ago) the brick factory had become a quarry and mined out the side of Greencastle Hill and it was no longer accessible.  Alternatively we simply messed up. Not that Antigua has any signs for these things. It didn’t for Devil’s Bridge which was there so no surprises here.

So we walked the final 3 miles to St Johns, had lunch in a local cafe where we had chicken and lamb curries for 15 EC$ which is about 6 US$ each. Then we split up so the kids (mainly Jess) could look at the shops while John, Helen and I went to the museum.

We took the bus back to Jolly Harbour. Back on the boat we first went back to the marina to use their showers as we were dusty from the quarry and needed to clean up. We left Ben and Jess ashore and headed again back to Dignity. I had a minor crisis with the watermaker. When going under the floor to remove the filters for cleaning I accidentally flipped a switch without realizing it. This put the watermaker into a tizz which I could only resolve by calling Spectra support. They knew the answer immediately. Another lesson learned.

2 comments to Quarry

  • Yes… I’ve had one of those calls to Spectra – also easily answered by their team. So far, we’re really happy with our watermaker and the support from Spectra. We installed in the center hold. Where did you install?
    P.S. the rum is back 🙂

  • John Southwood

    I’ve GoogleEarth’d that walk and it turned out to be about 10 miles.

    I think we did quite well for a mornings walk

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