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Today. I am proud. To be an American

Wow. That was moving (Obama’s inauguration). I sincerely hope the leadership of the American people and the people themselves can seize this moment in history and begin the building of the better future that appears possible to attain. It was amazing to sit in a Caribbean bar with locals and US citizens and still feel the immense power of this moment. Very moving.

We shared the moment, and table, with a two American couple, Ed & Peg and Elana and Dave. We’ve invited them over for nibbles, beers (and some flag waving) this evening. Should be fun.

In 2007 we became US citizens. At the swearing in session we had to listen to a very cheesy song : “I am proud to be an American”. For many in the room the occasion was evidently intensely moving as this must have been the culmination of many years of effort. For us, I have to say, it was a mere detail.

Today though I finally feel I really can say I am proud to be American. In some ways it feels frustrating to be excluded from this (hopefully) historic renewal. We know our trip will end much sooner than we originally planned. Perhaps we’ll have our part to play sooner rather than later. Funnily enough, that doesn’t feel at all bad.

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