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SSB Problems

Karen and Matt from Where II came aboard last night. We had a great time getting to know each other and sharing lessons learned. As we didn’t finish all the nibbles we agreed for round 2 on their boat this evening.

Today I’ve spent some time aboard Where II helping Matt investigate poor performance on his SSB – perhaps some of the head banging I’ve done aboard Dignity will come in use. We managed to prove it does actually work (voice and email) and figured out one anomaly which may or may not be an issue – the antenna ground was directly connected to the boat DC ground. I’ve heard conflicting stories on this so we’re trying to see if it’s any better without this connection.

The overall shortwave environment is lousy right now and this morning on our own eqipment (not sure if it is location specific) was very crackly on the morning Coconut Telegraph (or nut net as it’s often referred to). So a poor connection seems to be about as good as it gets. We’ll try again a little later when reception is usually a bit better.

Apart from this not a lot else done today. That’s quite ok. Looking forward to round 2 this evening.

Back in Bequia

We arrived in back in Bequia this after a thrilling sail. Along the way we spotted a whale breaching several times. I grabbed the camera and took about 50 shots of which one just about shows the whale spouting – see left. It was not a big whale but it was more impressive than this picture would suggest.

After rounding the southern tip of Bequia I was able to take some better shots of Moonhole.

When we pulled in the four lines we had one fish on the end of one of them. No surprises in this case as this was the second of the three small fish we caught earlier which I’d thawed and put on the hook before we set off.

Having arrived we’ve been ashore to provision. One of the reasons for timing our visit to Bequia this weekend is we learned Where II, another Lagoon 420, is here until Monday. We saw them once before in Rodney Bay, St Lucia, but by the time we dinghied over to where we’d seen them they had left. To avoid another near miss we’ve already invited them around for ‘cocktails’ this evening. Looking forward to sharing thoughts and plans.


Out in Rodney Bay (updated)

Yesterday evening we dined in pairs. Helen and I walked about a couple of miles around the harbour to Razmataz, the Indian Restaurant, which was about 200 yards away from the boat as the crow flies. The food was very good but not quite up to what you can get in London, England.

This morning we did some more shopping and I finally managed to find a place to supply some distilled water – I’ve been searching for a while.

We’ve now left the marina and are anchored outside by Pigeon Island. Jim and Bob have climbed one of the hills while the rest of us swam. In reverse, this afternoon the four swimmers will be climbing the hills on the island this afternoon.

I haven’t been taking too many pictures recently but here’s a few that I’ve not shared recently.


UPDATE: We’ve climbed the two hills on Pigeon Island and enjoyed some very pleasant views. Helen and I dinghied round to where we’d seen another Lagoon 420 (Where II) earlier but she’d left. Hopefully we’ll catch up with her later in the season. The pics have been updated. Tonight it is barbecued chicken.

Tomorrow our plan is to sail to Souffriere where the very picturesque “Pitons” can be found. We’ll stay there for the day and evening.

Another Lagoon 420 Blog

Just ran into this blog this morning :  Haven’t had a chance to take a good look at it yet.  I will add this to my links page when I return in June.