And happy with it. The place looks enormous after my hospital room. The new TV has exceeded our expectations and we haven’t tried everything out yet nor ran it with decent internet connectivity (which will have to wait). We did blow up the XBox power supply owing to it only running on 110V-120V. £10 dropped on Amazon and a UK power supply will be with us on Monday.
So I have a few days back home. On Thursday I go back to hospital and may stay for a while. I have some more treatment planned plus blood tests. I see three ways forward. 1) Blood tests show worrying signs so I’m kept in. 2) Blood tests show things are ok for now but more rest need. I come back home for a bit. 3) Blood tests so good they keep me in for round 2. I’m guessing it’s going to be 2). Mind you, it’s not like I’m not having treatment as I’m still being treated with multiple drugs including chemo. We have half the pharmacy at home for morning and evening doses of drugs. Helen is very good at looking after me in these circumstances.
General health position can only be described as good. Without very recent intervention my blood counts this morning were the best we’ve seen post-illness. I believe this means my body has the strength to recover and is doing so. I remain keen to get back into full chemo and see how I fare on another aggressive full round.