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I’ve Been Scanned

The X-Ray was discovered unbooked. Once this was rectified I was down for my one minute chest X-Ray. The results of the X-Ray were reported this morning and things continue to improve in my lungs.

Today was my planned CAT scan. That proceeded on time. This is all part of the doctors assessing my condition with a view to getting me home for a bit to continue recuperating ready for chemo round 2. I was also giving a combined PET/MRI scan in a new machine. There are only six or so in the world and this was the only one in the UK. They are taking select patients and double scanning them so they can decide which machines are best for what sort of scan. They got their tests and I got a double scan, one with some very modern equipment. Win-win.

No exact news on if/when I can go home but it could be tomorrow. I’ve got two cases of protein supplements for weight building to take so Helen will have to come in with a suitcase.

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