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Happy Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving so we’re getting our US passports out and joining our US compadres for Thanksgiving dinner. Hopefully the weather today won’t be the wash out it was yesterday as the restaurant we’re going to is half open air.

Castillo San Felipe de Barajas

Our original plan for Tuesday was to go and see the castle in the morning. This was until we learned there were two cruise ships in town and that they would probably leave around 2pm.

We therefore idled the morning away until 2pm came by. We met up with Whiskers at the dock along with Marge from “3/4 Time” was coming along with us.

We walked there and were greeted at the foot of the hill on which the castle stood by a statue of Blas de Lezo who successfully led the defense of the city on one occasion against superior British/American forces despite being short an arm, a leg and an eye.

Exploring the castle was fascinating as it was geared up as last line of defense with several layers behind which besieged troups could fall back. Within the solid structure were warrens of tunnels which I presume formed the escape channels as soldier retreated into central defenses.

As we finished off our exploration the place filled up with tourists, perhaps all from a cruise ship, so we were very lucky with our timing. At the foot of the castle we saw a sculpture of a large pair of shoes. The symbolism referring to a poet who loved the city as one loves and old pair of shoes.

We shopped for food on the way back picking up some nice ribs for dinner.

This morning we’ve been sharing expertise with Gerald from Whiskers. We’ve helped him set up his PC a little better (without too much going wrong). In return he’s shared some good info about the Pacific islands which they visited on their first circumnavigation.

GPS Hookup

Monday was another day of  heat and sweat.  Rather than just sit around I roused myself to work on one of my projects.  In this case it was to permanently wire a hand held GPS up to the power, the VHF, the SSB and have an connection for the computer.  This will enable the radios to send out emergency digital signals (should we want to) including our position.  The only hiccup was not having the right connector for the SSB so that will have to wait.

We spent the evening aboard Whiskers with Dianne and Gerald.  I think it was pay back for us wining them up the previous evening.  They made superb pina coladas which tasted more like painkillers.  My the state of us I think we had a little too much last night.

This morning we have some sightseeing planned.  We’re off to see the Castillo San Felipe de Barajas with the Whiskers. Should be interesting.

Escaping the heat

I kicked off Sunday with a little research into our future travels along the west coast of Costa Rica. There are some particularly interesting areas such as the active volcano Arenal and the Osa Peninsula which I’d like to make sure we fit in.  As I go I’m making records of possible anchorages.

The day promised to be hot as ever with little or no wind.  Early on I spotted Gerald from Whiskers dinghying back to his boat with jerry cans filled with water.  He came by and we had a little chat.  The upshot of this is we agreed to share a cab to the nearby Caribe Plaza (which we’d walked to a few days ago) to enjoy the air conditioning during the midday heat and, perhaps, to do a little shopping.

At 11am we all headed to the dinghy dock and caught a cab to the mall.  The cab only cost $2.50 which amongst four of us is next to nothing.  The cool air of the mall was most welcome.  We wandered around all together sharing stories and laughs.  We had lunch at the fast food joints on the second floor.  As meat is quite cheap here fast food includes pretty good food.  I had ribs and Helen had steak strips in a bun.

After lunch we headed for the Carrefour supermarket downstairs.  I took a closer look at booze prices.  With the kids coming at Xmas and the prospect of difficulties provisioning at Colon, Panama (due to the Panama Yacht Club being demolished recently) having a decent stock is important.  Turns out the beer prices are pretty good.  330cl cans of decent beer can be had for under 60c and 500cl bottles for 50c.  I filled half a shopping trolley.  We also picked up a few different bottles of $5 wine to try out over the next few nights.

Back on the boat it was stifling.  We decided to do the wash and run the air conditioning.  This is the first time we’ve run it outside of testing it.  It was a luxury but bliss.  Sadly, within a couple of hours we’d lost the benefit of it and the boat was now hotter inside than out.  The 95F water can’t help.

Shortly after having an evening snack Dianne and Gerald passed by and said hello.  We encouraged them aboard as we’d opened one of the bottles of wine and they could try it out.  One thing led to another and we ended up trying all the bottles we’d bought.  We’re a bad influence on each other.

Send wind

Really did nothing but read and little bit of paperwork yesterday. Didn’t even put the dinghy in the water. There was hardly any wind at all. It was hot. Doesn’t look like it will change much for the next few days. Please send wind.