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Castillo San Felipe de Barajas

Our original plan for Tuesday was to go and see the castle in the morning. This was until we learned there were two cruise ships in town and that they would probably leave around 2pm.

We therefore idled the morning away until 2pm came by. We met up with Whiskers at the dock along with Marge from “3/4 Time” was coming along with us.

We walked there and were greeted at the foot of the hill on which the castle stood by a statue of Blas de Lezo who successfully led the defense of the city on one occasion against superior British/American forces despite being short an arm, a leg and an eye.

Exploring the castle was fascinating as it was geared up as last line of defense with several layers behind which besieged troups could fall back. Within the solid structure were warrens of tunnels which I presume formed the escape channels as soldier retreated into central defenses.

As we finished off our exploration the place filled up with tourists, perhaps all from a cruise ship, so we were very lucky with our timing. At the foot of the castle we saw a sculpture of a large pair of shoes. The symbolism referring to a poet who loved the city as one loves and old pair of shoes.

We shopped for food on the way back picking up some nice ribs for dinner.

This morning we’ve been sharing expertise with Gerald from Whiskers. We’ve helped him set up his PC a little better (without too much going wrong). In return he’s shared some good info about the Pacific islands which they visited on their first circumnavigation.

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