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2008 Training – Wilderness First Responder

One of the risks of life on a boat that needs to be addressed is that of illness and injury. These issues can occur away from immediate medical care. Training ourselves to become full doctors is out of the question. However, being able to triage a situation to buy time until proper medical care can […]

2007 Site Stats

Here is a summary of the visitor statistics to this website for 2007. The data was gathered by awstats which comes with the package my service provider provides.

There were a total of 6,606 site visits in 2007. There was a spike in visitor activity May through July which coincides with my blogging of Dignity’s […]

New Camera

My new camera arrived yesterday. Had a play around with it and it takes ok pictures. Took it in the shower and took some pics of the water coming from the shower head. They were interesting. Next step will be to read the manual.