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2007 Site Stats

Here is a summary of the visitor statistics to this website for 2007. The data was gathered by awstats which comes with the package my service provider provides.

There were a total of 6,606 site visits in 2007. There was a spike in visitor activity May through July which coincides with my blogging of Dignity’s delivery and our trip to the BVIs on Gato Chateau. Activity then fell off but gradually built up to near maximum again by year end.

The popularity of visits by day of week was in the following order : Sunday, Thursday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday, Saturday, Friday. I was quite surprised by the difference between Sunday and Saturday.

The top 5 countries of visitor were US (first by a long margin), South Africa, Canada, Poland, Australia. The site received visitors from many more countries including China, Russia, Pakistan, Japan, Egypt …. The list goes on.

The top 6 search phrases that resulted in a click to this site were : “lagoon 420 dignity”, “lagoon 420”,  “lagoon 420 aboard dignity”, “aboard dignity”, “dignity lagoon 420”, “bayfield 32”.  Looks like most people are searching for this site by the name of the boat.  The last one is probably the Canadians who have a fondness for Bayfields as they were made there.

Further down the list are some more interesting phrases that led to visitors coming to the site: “where can you opt out for nj boating license”, “i want to buy lagoon 420”, “weather forecast for tomorrow bay biscay wed 12th dec 2007”, “when did the mongoose came to the u.s.v.i.”, “nautical miles from vilamoura portugal to canary islands”, “rhone wreck catastrophe”

By far the most site referrals come from Cruisers Forum where I hang out from time to time and leave the odd message.

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