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Atlantic Dolphin

Here is a video of one of the many dolphin encounters we had aboard Windancer IV. This occurred when the sea was very calm so the underwater visibility is quite exceptional.


Gearing Up

I’m making some headway through some of the gear purchasing. Two further items have been bought.

First was the Hookah. I did, in the end, go with the Brownie. I have bought the Explorer 390 model with the add on for a fourth diver. That will allow two couples do go out at a reasonable […]

Back Home

The final journey home covered the miles somewhat faster than the trip out to the Azores.

The two plane tripes were uneventful. The train ride from Boston to Newark left on time but arrived 3 hours late due to a combination of diesel engine failure and trees on the line. I slept through much of […]

June 10 – Sitting in Triceira Airport

It strikes me as odd that I had more to say when we were at sea and less was going on. I think this is largely due to having the time and less distractions. My journey home began this morning when I said my goodbyes to John, Jim, Bob, Ziggy, Jenny and Connor. I also […]

June 8

Currently sailing off Triceira. We were due to set sail at dawn but capt john cast off at 1am shortly after his skirvy crew rolled in from the bar. Yesterday evening we were entertained by Horta ministers on the back lawn of a posh hotel. Food and wine was free. I had vowed not to […]