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June 8

Currently sailing off Triceira. We were due to set sail at dawn but capt john cast off at 1am shortly after his skirvy crew rolled in from the bar. Yesterday evening we were entertained by Horta ministers on the back lawn of a posh hotel. Food and wine was free. I had vowed not to drink but failed miserably.

The decision to leave early turned out right as the wind has been on our nose. Also, if we hadn’t left when we did we would not have run into a pod of seven beluga whales which we did.

Jim often says “Life is good.”

It is.

1 comment to June 8

  • Ric Zaenglein

    Steve – congrats on the passage. I hadn’t logged in for a few weeks, so I was able to read the log in its entirety – and found myself sailing on the crew with you. It’s such a different world, and I do believe your senses adapt quite rapidly to the sounds. smells and motion of the boat. Loved the wildlife – it’s what I remember most of my offshore sailing, and want to get back to. While you were looking for more active weather, (which I’m sure you had a taste of), there’s nothing wrong with a safe and easy passage. Boats go for years without seeing 75kts as Winddancer did on the way in. Best to keep it that way. Best to Helen – glad to see you are considering the Annapolis show again. I’ll be bringing Barbara (my wife) with me this year. While our “year 0” is four years off, she’s getting a bit more interested in how this is all going to come together. Hope we can meet up as you’ll be on the cusp. Enjoy the remainder of your Azores time. Ric

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