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Last Day in Horta

Today is our last day in Horta. In the last few days we have been fixing the boat. Not all projects are done but the key repairs are. The rudder assembly is now fixed. The starboard propeller is now replaced. We’ve identified and addressed what we think was chaffing the reefing lines. The boat has […]

June 4th

Time is passing in Horta. Part work, part vacation. Yesterday (Tuesday) was a work day. We got a number of things done. I was particularly pleased troubleshooting the fault with the navigation lights which turned out to be a fault with one of the wires leading from the light itself to a junction box in […]

Message in a Bottle

Here is a video of us throwing a bottle into the ocean half way between Bermuda and The Azores.


More Photos

I have uploaded more photos to the trip web album.

Hopefully some video to follow but it’s taking a long time to upload.