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Last Day in Horta

Today is our last day in Horta. In the last few days we have been fixing the boat. Not all projects are done but the key repairs are. The rudder assembly is now fixed. The starboard propeller is now replaced. We’ve identified and addressed what we think was chaffing the reefing lines. The boat has been cleaned.

John’s wife (Ziggy) and children (Jenny and Connor) arrived yesterday. They’re a nice family and very much looking forward to their trip. They’re relaxing today after their travels in Germany. Sometime early tomorrow morning we set off for Terceira, another island in the Azores. It’s a 90nm leg so will take us most of the day. Next Tuesday I’ll be leaving the boat, flying to Sao Miguel where I will fly back to the US eventually getting home on Wednesday.

For me, I have very much enjoyed talking to other cruisers here. Many are near the end of their trips – including one British couple heading home after 7 years cruising. Everyone, without exception, has informed me we won’t regret our decision to go cruising. Many are ruing the necessity to return to land as time/money was limited.

For me, returning to land will be interesting. It’ll be back to closing this chapter in our lives in preparation for the next. I’m looking forward to surviving the next few months and eventually finding ourselves aboard Dignity in October.

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