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Shopping / evening out on Godiva

Yesterday was another big shopping day. First off was a trip to the other side of the lagoon to drop off the propane for a refill. Next it was into town to talk to the local Beneteau rep to arrange for the install of the new parts for Dignity. They knew Eddie well and arranged […]

Settled for Xmas

We’ve settled in to our Xmas anchorage. Near to the airport so we can pick up the kids regardless of the weather. Nice enough in case we are marooned here for a bit. We’re also next to Bees Knees and Desue so we have good company. Here are some pics of our surroundings.

Category: Bees Knees, St Martin | Here is my comment

Island Time

I had high hopes for today. I had hoped to put most of the major items behind us. The big one being the radar install. Our earlier saviour, Eddie, was supposed to come round today to help plan parts shopping and assist in the install of the radar. I’m sure he had good reason but […]

Blogging via SSB

It’s been a long time since I’ve tested this. I tried earlier and it failed. Took me a while to figure out what was wrong. Hopefully this blog will get out there. It means we can continue to share what we’re doing when we’re unable to access the internet. Fingers crossed.

The SSB setup has […]


Mexican train wreck dominoes takes a long time to play. This is why it is popular with cruisers who have a lot of time on their hands (after the boat work is finished). We had a great game last night. One couple didn’t show but there were five of us and that was enough to […]