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Island Time

I had high hopes for today. I had hoped to put most of the major items behind us. The big one being the radar install. Our earlier saviour, Eddie, was supposed to come round today to help plan parts shopping and assist in the install of the radar. I’m sure he had good reason but he didn’t show.

I haven’t quite got in the groove yet so this resulted in my frustration rather than my relaxing. On the upside Helen and I working together managed to fish all the runs necessary for the radar install and the power lines for the SSB and leave bits of string permanently in place to pull wires through when we have them.

Internet has been up and down all day. Mostly down. We wanted to get our Xmas email out today but this has been nixed by the outage. As a result I’m sending this by shortwave (still running off spare battery). At least I can do that.

Replacement parts from Lagoon are making their way here via most continents. I have UPS tracking references so every now and then, when I can get on, I can see where they’ve ended up next. Not yet in St Martin.

Weather forecasts show increasing winds into next week. We’re going to shift the boat into the lagoon tomorrow morning and settle down for the week. Hopes for resolving our o/s issues during Xmas week are getting low. Not that I mind hanging around but I had hoped to do better for when the family were here. That being said, weather down here around Xmas is predicted to be aweful so perhaps the best place is to be stuck somewhere well resourced and close to friends.

I’ll go back to drinking my rum punch. Dignity back to one-four. Roger, Roger.

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