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Deshaies Botanical Gardens

Yesterday afternoon, when Helen and I were walking around town we bumped into a group of four englishfolk: Graden, Sue, David and Margaret who were chartering the sailing boat “Clarabella.” I had bumped into Graden on one of my earlier attempts to clear in. We ended up inviting them around for cocktails later in the […]


(Pronounced Dey-hey)

What a beautiful little town this is. We arrived about 11am this morning after a pleasant sail from Ilet a Fajou. We went straight ashore for customs but found them closed. We had a quick explore around town. We’re very much looking forward to basing ourselves here for a few days. I’ve been […]

Mangroves and Brain Coral

The rain cleared this morning and we have since had fabulous weather. We too the dinghy over to Ilet a Fajou to explore the coast. Inland was impenetrable as the foliage was too dense. So we waded along the shore for a while. We found a place to stop for a while where the water […]


Bread was a success. Sort of. Turns out the bread make sends off an alarm when it starts. Alarms on boats are things to wake up for so at 3am the bread maker woke me up – a condition from which I could not recover. Helen, fortunately went back to sleep but for me it […]

Starfish & Cucumber City

The dinghy ride along the Grand Riviere a Goyaves was out of this world. The river started off surrounded by mangroves. The transition from choppy sea to calm water was abrupt and we were surrounded by silence broken by the odd jumping fish. It was so tranquil. We also saw a turtle basking on a […]