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Mangroves and Brain Coral

The rain cleared this morning and we have since had fabulous weather. We too the dinghy over to Ilet a Fajou to explore the coast. Inland was impenetrable as the foliage was too dense. So we waded along the shore for a while. We found a place to stop for a while where the water sloshed around a clump of mangroves creating a mini-strait between. I couldn’t resist damming one side of this and watching how this changed the flow of water.

After lunch we dinghied out to the reef to snorkel. Helen wasn’t feeling too well so she stayed on the dinghy while I took to the water. The reef was not bad: plenty of brain corals, anenomes and reef fish. Found one live conch but left it in place. I am reminded we need to learn how to open and cook a conch.

A slow day is closing slowly. We’re now looking forward and moving on to Deshaies tomorrow. Forecast looks good for the trip.

Maybe tonight we’ll watch another movie. Last night we watched The Doors movie by Oliver Stone which was long but entertaining, particularly as we watched it out back with the stars around us.

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