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Port Alfred

We had a nice Sunday at my sister’s home in Port Alfred. It was mostly a lazy day sitting around playing with Max and Sarah, our nephew and niece. We spent a couple of hours down on the beach throwing a Frisbee around and building sandcastles. In the evening we sat around chatting and watching […]

Partying On

Last night was the night for my parents’ 50th anniversary party with their friends and family. About 25 of us were pulled together at a private home called Table Too which hosts informal meals once a month. For us youngsters, there is hope yet as my parents and their friends were full of energy and […]

50th Anniversary

September the 3rd is my parents’ wedding anniversary and this year it was their 50th. For some time we have collaborated with my sister to make a surprise visit to them on their anniversary. These days they live in South Africa which is not a small hop from Grenada. All the practical flight routes to […]

England and South Africa

While my recent blogs have been, to the letter, accurate, they have also been misleading through omission. Over a week ago we flew to England followed by a trip to South Africa arriving yesterday to surprise my parents on their 50th wedding anniversary. All went well. We’re a bit tired so updating the blog may […]


Helen’s son John came to visit on Saturday staying the night. Not to miss out on the good food at our old local Indian restaurant we ordered takeaway to make it two nights in a row.

Monday was a bank/public holiday here in the Uk. Usually this means poor weather and long queues on the […]