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Helen’s son John came to visit on Saturday staying the night.  Not to miss out on the good food at our old local Indian restaurant we ordered takeaway to make it two nights in a row.

Monday was a bank/public holiday here in the Uk.  Usually this means poor weather and long queues on the motorway for folks returning from a long weekend away.  For us this meant a visit to our friends Erin and Robin for a BBQ where we were joined by our old karate instructor Ashley.  We had great fun catching up and the weather was great for us.

We finally got quotes together for all the remaining bits and pieces we need sent to Grenada so at least that seems to be moving on now.

We went for a walk yesterday before it got too hot.  Pleasant trails through woods and saw some old churches.  Had fish n chips in the evening.  The British influence in this place is evident.  Being in England this is hardly surprising.  Remember – when writing this we were pretending to still be in Grenada.  We had fun writing these things into the blog.

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