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Grand Roque

Around 10am yesterday we took to the dinghy to go for a snorkel. We headed for the lagoon between the two easterly Francisqui islands. On the eastern edge of the lagoon the water became extremely shallow. We could see beyond the shallows a deeper pool with a ridge of reef protecting the pool from the […]

Cruising Heaven

Los Roques continues to be a cruising heaven. While not entirely relaxing, sailing between the reefs and corals continues to delight. Maybe this is what we missed by not going to the Bahamas as we have heard it is similar. After waiting until around 10am for the sun to be high enough, we set sail […]

Paradise found

After saying goodbye to Oud and Brice we put up our sails and sailed 5nm north to a new spot off the reef. Sailing through the reefs is magical. At one point I was standing at the bow with the autopilot remote in my hand keeping the boat away from the brown bits and, for […]

International Rescue

Shortly before writing this morning’s blog I noticed a sailing vessel entering the Boca. Even at that time I thought it was a bit early in the day but I figured they knew where they were going. After sending the blog and in the middle of responding to emails I took a look around again […]

Los Roques: We’ve got the blues

I first learned of Los Roques shortly after Google Earth was released. I was using it to explore places we may possibly go and by luck I found Los Roques. Here was a place in the middle of nowhere that I’d never heard of. It stuck in my mind and I always wondered if it […]