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Cruising Heaven

Los Roques continues to be a cruising heaven. While not entirely relaxing, sailing between the reefs and corals continues to delight. Maybe this is what we missed by not going to the Bahamas as we have heard it is similar. After waiting until around 10am for the sun to be high enough, we set sail yesterday aiming for Caya Francisqui. As the crow flies the distance was 5nm but the course we chose was nearer 8.5nm. We reefed the main to keep our boat speed low and took off. Planning ones tacks and jibes requires care as the obstacle course of shallow patches and rocks demands turns at the right time.

We arrived in Caya Francisqui in time for lunch. When arriving somewhere I logged our position via SSB. (NOTE: for some folks this means receiving an email letting us know we’ve moved. If you want to be on this list, feel free to contact me).

We had intended to snorkel the area as it is supposed to be very good. In the end we didn’t feel like it. I finished my book and decided to catch up on some preventative checks. This time they included examining all the battery banks. Everything looked perfect and it looks like no water has gassed although I’m sure some must have. I know these are new batteries but the difference in quality is vast. It’s very reassuring.

Helen and I did eventually swim ashore and have a walk around after most of the tourists have left. The beach near us seems to be a day stop for folks vacationing in Grand Roque. Water taxis are continually ferrying people to and fro. Once they’ve gone it’s especially nice.

This morning we probably will do the snorkel we missed. This will been dinghying round to the other side of the island and finding a good spot. Later today we’ll head over to Grand Roque and check in. If we have any Bolivars left over we’ll spend them. I can already see pay for internet connections so that may be one purchase so we can pay off credit cards, catch up on regular email and upload photos.


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