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Around 9:30 we were ready and went ashore for our hike to Maeva. We briefly looked at hiring bikes (or at least an extra bike as we already have two) but decided against the idea in favour of walking. The hike was around 6km to where the archaeological site is. A lot of the way […]

Fare, Huahine

We made some progress on the project list but not necessarily the ones we planned. The wind was a little too strong to drop the head sail so I did a few other minor items. Later in the afternoon John from Nakia popped by. They’d been in Huahine for a week and was able to […]

Feeding Time

Turned out there was plenty of interest to go and see the sting rays and sharks. Shortly after 10am we rendezvoused at the sunken tiki heads (about half way to the rays) with Steve & Dorusha from Scream, David & Suzie from Sidewinder and Jim & Brendan from Escapade. We were carrying Mike and Naomi […]

Baie d’Opunohu

On Saturday our plan was to move over to Baie d’Opunahu. We had a few choices. One was to go inside the bay where it was cool but with great views. The second was outside west of the bay which would be isolated and nearer to where we could go and see the sting rays. […]

Vaiare to Pao-Pao Hike

Our plan for the day was to make our way over to Vaiare on the east coast, where the ferries from Pape’ete come and go, and take the hike over to Pao-Pao in Cooks Bay. Initially we delayed our start as the winds were gusting into the high 20s and we weren’t comfortable leaving the […]