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Fare, Huahine

We made some progress on the project list but not necessarily the ones we planned. The wind was a little too strong to drop the head sail so I did a few other minor items. Later in the afternoon John from Nakia popped by. They’d been in Huahine for a week and was able to provide a few tips including letting us know about the Happy Hour ashore starting at 5:30pm. We were planning to go ashore so we agreed to meet with him again at the bar.

The bar turned out to be really nice and we ended up staying for a couple of beers before we headed out to look for something to eat. We found a group of roadside food vans and while choosing which one to eat at we met up with Dan and Suzie, an Australian couple, who were holidaying on the island. We ended up chatting with them while eating our very decently priced steak and fries and eventually ended up inviting them back to the boat to share some wine and conversation.

Today the plan is to walk to Maeva (about 4 miles) and visit the archaeological site there. Perhaps we’ll get the sail done this afternoon.

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