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Last Day of Passage, First Day (so far) in NZ

A lot had happened since yesterday morning.

The wind remained fairly light for our last 12 hours in requiring us to motor sail for most of it but we did cut off the engine when we could. We wanted to arrive in daylight but not so early that we could clear customs. […]

We’ve Arrived

We’re now tied up to the customs dock in Opua. INSERT_MAP Bloody Hell!!!! We’ve crossed the Pacific Ocean.

Day 7 – Nearly There

Another calm day. The Code Zero stayed up all day and we alternated sailing and motor sailing as the wind built and faded. Excitement is building as we’re within a day of New Zealand. We all had good long showers and changed our clothes. Helen spent some time cleaning the boat. I started ferreting around […]

Day 6 – Colder

We plod on. The wind has lightened further and moved more to the north east. That has enabled/required us to hoist the Code Zero. As we’d furled it badly last time it was a bit of an effort to raise it. Once up it did it’s job. Placing some confidence in the weather forecasts we […]

Day 5 – Blue Skies

A very relaxing days sail. The skies were blue and the wind/seas continued to abate. We were treated to gentle sailing across light seas under a 100% blue sky. Beautiful. The only downside was the wind was closer than I wanted to sail so we drifted off course by about 20 degrees. The steering gear […]