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Day 6 – Colder

We plod on. The wind has lightened further and moved more to the north east. That has enabled/required us to hoist the Code Zero. As we’d furled it badly last time it was a bit of an effort to raise it. Once up it did it’s job. Placing some confidence in the weather forecasts we left it up overnight. With occasional pushes from the batteries we are managing to maintain a Thursday evening ETA into Opua. We won’t be able to check in on arrival but we can tie up to the customs dock and have a good nights sleep. I’ve just downloaded the latest forecast and this predicts light north easterlies all the way in. Helen will be pleased.
It is getting very cold now. Night shifts are not something to look forward to. We’ve found some audio books which we’ve been listening to recently which helps pass the time. We’ve seen no other vessels since we fell behind the fleet with our rudder problem. From the positions gathered yesterday we know we’re not at the back. We’ve overhauled two vessels and Sea Mist is still at the back, although catching up quickly. I’m off to watch the glorious sunrise.

207nm to Opua dock.

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