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Whatupuke Island (Hen & Chickens)

Yesterday evening was fairly normal except for being invited over to Emily Grace to share desert with them. Kim had baked a pumpkin pie which wasn’t a pumpkin pie but tasted like one. We hung around for about an hour before returning back to Dignity as we were feeling a little tired.

This morning we […]

Not a lot

We finished off Sunday being joined by Tom, Kim and Emily from Emily Grace to consume take away pizzas aboard Dignity followed by watching the movie “The Fall” which turned out weird but fascinating.

Today we agreed to help out Tom with some stuff on his laptop. In the end it took a while as […]


We set off from Whangamumu fairly early with the intent of reaching Whangaruru before the tide turned allowing us the possibility of taking the dinghy up the nearby river. As we sailed down we changed our minds about the river trip and headed instead for the anchorage at Matapouri Bay quite a bit further south. […]

Whangamumu Harbour

As we entered the harbour we were first approached and then overtaken by a customs vessel that eventually anchored right where we wanted. With nothing to hide and assuming they were stopping only for lunch (or perhaps to investigate us) we anchored right by them. As expected, they did drop their dinghy and a couple […]

Urupukapuka Island

I think we can apply the standard phrase: Went for a hike, stunning views, caught no lobsters.

The specifics.

We tried for a while to catch some fish from the boat. Very early on we caught the interest of a large squid who grabbed the hook and squirted water at us a few times when […]